Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri presented the anti-terror Fatwa in Urdu and English
languages before the international media. It should be kept in mind that
Shaykh-ul-Islam had declared to issue a detailed Fatwa against terrorism and
suicide bombings in December 2009, which was originally thought to consist of
300 pages, whose volume later on increased to 600 pages due to scholarly
dealing of the subject. This Fatwa is the only one of its kind in terms of its
intellectual value, penetrating research and authentic allusions. Hence, it is
a scholarly and historic document.
Talking to the
international media on the occasion, Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
said that ever increasing wave of extremism and terrorism has destroyed the
world peace. It is a matter of great misfortune that these terrorist activities
of the misguided elements have been bracketed with Islam though the reality is
otherwise. He said that majority of the religious scholars condemn terrorism
but the condemnation is merely rhetorical. No one has come forward with an
authentic and intellectual response to terrorism in the form of a patent
decree. Minhaj-ul-Quran International has told the world in no uncertain terms
through issuance of this Fatwa that terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.
It is a peaceful religion, which not only condemns but also prohibits every
kind of terrorism at every level under any pretext.

He said that the suicide
bombers are out of the pale of Islam. He hoped that the youth would not become
the fodder for the cannons of terrorist elements or extremist organizations
after studying the Fatwa. The terrorist elements brainwash the youth by
invoking wrong interpretations of the faith. The youth who advance the
objectives of the terrorists should regard themselves out of the fold of Islam
in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Prophet (saw). He said that
terrorism is terrorism and it cannot be justified under any pretext through
allusion to any real or alleged instances of injustice and there is no space
for terrorism in Islam.
He regretted the fact that
the Islamic teachings, which are based on love, peace and welfare, are being
manipulated and quoted out of contexts to serve the designs of the vested
interests. He said that Islam spelled out a clear code of conduct during the course
of war and gave complete protection to the non-combatants including women, the
old, and children etc., so much so that trading centres, schools, hospitals and
worship places were also declared as safe.

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr
Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri said that those who want to impose the Islamic order on
others by means of force and naked power belong to the group of Khawarij who,
during the Caliphate of Hazrat Ali (ra), took up arms and initiated rebellion
against the Islamic state in the name of enforcing the Divine Order. The
terrorists of today also belong to the same breed of Khawarij. They resemble
one another in their appearances, body demeanors and even working. He said that
Islam does not approve of the killing of innocent people under any excuse. There
is a judicial system to indict the wrong-doers and bring them to book. It is
the responsibility of the Islamic state to implement the system of justice and
punishment through state-run mechanism and none can be allowed to take law in
his hands.
He vehemently condemned
those who perpetrate terrorism in the name of religion and branded them as the
greatest enemies of Islam. He said that if at all these people have to wage
Jihad, they could do so against ignorance, corruption, dearness, poverty and other
social evils. He also blasted the opponents of democracy and said that the Holy
Prophet (saw) is the champion of the democratic and consultative system.
Shaykh-ul-Islam reminded the Islamic governments of the fact that it is their
national and religious duty to eliminate terrorism and terrorist networks from
their midst. They should continue the military action till the complete
elimination of these groups.
In reply to a question, he
said that the Islamic governments should allow democracy to flourish and
strengthen political system and processes. If the enemies of Islam and Khawarij
are totally annihilated, the roots of terrorism would stand dismantled. He
deplored that the Muslim youth happened to be the first casualty of terrorism,
for they got trapped in the hands of the terrorist for the sake of religion.
The major advantage of the Fatwa would be that the youth would be able to know
the reality of their actions whether they are choosing the path to hell or
British cabinet minister,
Shahid Malik, paid glowing tribute to Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad
Tahir-ul-Qadri and said that he has always projected the real teachings of
Islam. His Fatwa would have long-term positive and revolutionary impact on the
Muslim community living in UK and elsewhere and would transform mindsets. He
assured his full cooperation at the governmental level.
The media men asked
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri a number questions, which he
answered satisfactorily. The press conference continued well over three hours.
Shaykh-ul-Islam also gave short interviews to different media outlets on the
Issued on 5 Safar 1332 SH/ 9 January 2010 CE By Islamic Research Council Al-Azhar, Egypt